FRE-NCtools is a collection of tools for creating grids and mosaics commonly used in climate and weather models, the remapping of data among grids, ...
NCO requires a C99-compliant compiler as of NCO version 2.9.8, released in August, 2004. The most time-intensive portion of NCO execution is spent in arithmetic ...
SAP Connector for Microsoft .NET 3.0 (NCo 3.0) allows developers to use BAPIs and remote-enabled function modules in any .NET application (inside-out).
Karavīru dienesta pakāpes iedala vispārējās un Jūras spēku dienesta pakāpēs. Karavīriem noteiktās dienesta pakāpes dalās trīs daļās - kareivju sastāva, ...
NCEP Products Inventory Global Products Updated: 02/06/2024 Global Forecast System (GFS) Model Global Data Assimilation System (GDAS) Model GFS Wave Model FH001-384 · Inventory of File gfs.t00z.pgrb2... · ANL · Click